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项目位于天津海河东岸CBD的核心区域,河东区八经路与六纬路交口东南侧 。项目所在位置优越,临近天津多个特色景观区域,同时可以远眺天津之眼、五大道风情区、滨海新区等。设计采用了多种策略,包括高性能建筑表皮、完整的可持续解决方案、特色功能、便利设施和绿色空间的设计。项目包含两栋办公楼及配套商业裙楼,其中主塔地上71层,高340米。



规模:370,888 平方米





沉淀历史底蕴, 创新办公体验

关键词:#城市雕塑 #矩阵 #城市之窗 #灯塔



立面上模数化的矩阵通过错位排列,律动上升,并配合切角处理,打造建筑特色形象。A slight shift of the façade’s modules mimics the visual effect of flowing motion and creates an elegant movement toward the tower’s crown.


塔顶的切割赋予塔楼更有雕塑感的体型,竖向分割的错位令立面更加灵动。The corner cut creates an urban beacon in Tianjin, while the shifting facade makes it more dynamic.





关键词:#创新倾斜密柱结构设计理念  #采光最大化

整体结构 | Building Structure 


标准平面节点 | Detail

立面 | Façade






// 主入口 



// 空中露台 


// “海津云境”顶层高空观光体验 





结构顾问 Structural Engineer: 宋腾添玛沙帝 Thornton Tomasetti 

第三方结构顾问 Third Party Structural Engineer: 天津大学建筑设计规划研究总院有限公司Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design and Urban Planning Co., Ltd.

机电与电梯顾问 MEP and Lift Consultant: 科进柏诚工程技术(北京)有限公司 WSP Engineering Technology (Beijing) Co., Ltd.

交通顾问 Traffic Consultant: 奥雅纳工程咨询(上海)有限公司 Arup International Consultants (Shanghai) Company Ltd.

灯光顾问 Lighting: 上海碧甫照明工程设计有限公司 Brandston Partnership Inc.

消防顾问 Fire Protection Consultant: 天津华汇工程建设有限公司 Tianjin Huahui Architectural Design and Engineering Co. Ltd. 

LEED顾问 LEED Consultant: 君凯环境管理咨询(上海)有限公司 Environmental Market Solutions, Inc.

幕墙顾问 Curtain Wall Consultant: 艾勒泰建筑工程咨询(上海)有限公司 ALT Limited

施工图设计单位 LDI: 香港华艺设计顾问(深圳)有限公司 Hong Kong Huayi Design Consultants (Shenzhen) Ltd.

HOK Reveals Design for Tianjin China Overseas International Center 

After winning an international design competition, HOK has revealed the architectural design for the Tianjin China Overseas International Center. The development includes two office buildings and retail podium. The tallest tower is 71 stories and 340 meters high. 

The site is in the heart of Tianjin’s central business district (CBD) on the east bank of the Haihe River. With its beautiful natural scenery, this prime location offers tenants and visitors easy access to historical and cultural destinations.

Highlights of HOK’s architectural design include the high-performance building envelopes, integrated sustainable design strategies, high-level amenities and ample green spaces. All will position this new mixed-use development as one of Tianjin’s premier commercial venues.

Project Facts

Size: 370, 888 sq. m.

Height: 340 m/71 stories

Program: Office, Retail

Services: Architecture, Interiors

Inspiration & Evolution


#city_sculpture  #transformative_matrix  #dynamic_urban_window #beacon

The design creates a new landmark for the world that is in harmony with its local context in the center of Tianjin. The modularity and structural grid of the neighboring buildings are mimicked and represented in a modern, sophisticated way. 

With a simple and elegant design, the facades resemble those of the surrounding buildings while also achieving a sculptural effect. By displacing the modules of the facades, the design creates a rhythmic effect that echoes the gentle waves of the Haihe River while integrating the new buildings into the city. The 71-story tower appears to twist from the bottom to the top. With an elaborately shaped “crown” at the top, the building will be a stunning addition to Tianjin’s skyline.

A dynamic urban window provides visual connections between the two office buildings by cutting the upper portions of the north side of the main tower that is not blocked by surrounding tall buildings. This highlights the dynamic façade while allowing the lower levels to maintain visual links with surrounding buildings.

The holistic design approach integrates the program requirements with opportunities for interaction, health and well-being, and a variety of experiences. Beginning with the site, a careful study revealed opportunities to integrate the building form and functions within the surrounding environment. The form of the towers responds to a composite analysis of idealized program floor plates and the desire to create a distinguished form.

Outdoor spaces promote interaction with the environment. The design uses natural elements to establish both visual buffers and connections to surrounding developments. Placing parking and service loading functions underground reduces the heat island effect and helps preserve the site’s natural condition.

The office tower is prominent on the Tianjin skyline. Its complementary east and west volumes are held apart, creating a highly visible vertical space. This sculpted glass curtain wall is contrasted by the elegant, modular skin system. This accentuates the building’s slenderness and further distinguishes it as a landmark and beacon. The glass walls capture and draw light deep into the building. The subtle yet strong silhouette marks the building as an important urban landmark.

Integrated Façade and Structural System


#Innovative_design_solution  #maximize_daylighting

The architects and structural engineers collaborated on a design that seamlessly integrates the twisting façade with the building structure. This maximizes unobstructed city views for people in the office spaces.

The disadvantages of a conventional dense-column, tube-in tube structural system include poor daylighting and limited views. Based on continuous calculations by the structural engineer and daylighting simulation analyses by HOK, the optimal distance module between the perimeter columns was defined to be at 4.8 meters—the largest structural span possible. Thus, the width of the vision glass unit could achieve 3.15 meters with a viable structural system. To bring in as much daylight as possible, the height of the vision glass is also maximized while complying with fire-protection code requirements for spandrel glass.

图片由Thornton Tomasetti提供 | Image courtesy of Thornton Tomasetti

By displaying a corner cut on the higher level of the tower, the unique façade design is established. This also gives the tower more dynamic visual effects. The design can simultaneously provide excellent structural stability, great daylighting and pleasant views from office areas.

Featured Spaces


#sky_terrace #panoramic_view #commercial_center #sky_walk

// Retail Podium

The canopy design is consistent with tower façade and corresponds to the retail podium. Combined with the sunken plaza, it creates a distinctive retail environment and visual continuity across all levels of the layered site.

Integrated with the main and secondary towers, the retail podium echoes the overall design. The facade design is consistent with that of the main tower, creating a holistic impression.

Like the Haihe River that helped fuel the development of Tianjin, the concept of “wave and water” influenced the design of the retail podium facade. Creating the impression of a stream of water, three different types of mullions bring to life the vivid facade.

// Main Entrance

The concept for the modern entrance experience is inspired by the abstract essence of the classic colonnade. A sculptural volume extruding from the tower welcomes people while reinforcing the base of tower and linking to the retail podium.

The connection between the tower and podium forms a natural entrance for the retail space. The bright lights help create an exceptional experience for visitors.

// Sky Garden

Located on the 41st and 42nd floor of the main tower, the sky lobby features an outdoor sky garden, fitness and recreation area, light dining and a lounge area. The 4-story sky garden terrace complements the complexity of the tower’s form and helps bring nature into the workspace.

// Observation Deck

The project is in central Tianjin, overlooking landmarks including the Tientsin Eye, Five Great Avenues, and the Lishunde Hotel. The location and height of the tower allow for panoramic city views. The design team’s concept for a “Sky Walk” creates a stunning space for sightseeing, dining, and cultural events.

The observation deck integrates a sky bar, fine dining, and a multifunctional immersive exhibition hall. In addition to attracting tourists, these spaces house cultural and social activities that appeal to local residents.

The team designed the top level of the observation deck as a perfect location for photos posted on social media as well as for observing the development of the city. It will provide breathtaking city views and extraordinary audio and visual experiences. This observation deck will become an instantly recognizable symbol of Tianjin.



