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The project is perched in the intersection of the three major urban areas, and closely connected to the city centre via the Zhanjiang Bay Bridge across the waterways. Overlooking the sea promenade of Jinsha Bay and the urban park nearby, it is an important city portal. 


The project is perched in the intersection of the three major urban areas, and closely connected to the city centre via the Zhanjiang Bay Bridge across the waterways. Overlooking the sea promenade of Jinsha Bay and the urban park nearby, it is an important city portal. 

街景视角,有着极佳的城市展示面 Street view

项目所在地 Project site

“从广东第一跨海大桥驶来,云海一号是首先映入眼帘的建筑,它应该代表着湛江。同时我们希望它可以满足市民的需求,既是大家的购物公园,也是娱乐航母,更是生活方式聚落,甚至是都市美术馆,在空间场景的交互中,形成全天候的旅游娱乐胜地。” Aedas全球设计董事温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen)说道。
The design draws inspiration from the motion of a koifish leaping through a dragon gate, allegorising it to the pioneering spiritand upward development of the area. 

设计概念Design concept

立面图案犹如向上飞跃的锦鲤 The leaping koi pattern on the facade

Through volume shifting, the podium isdesigned in a streamlined wave shape, to mirror the temperament of the coastalcity.

暗喻片区蒸蒸日上 Upward development of the area

The project integrates its five-star hotels, apartments, retail streets, and vibrant leisure squares by linking a series of key nodes with extensive public space. The design is informed by Zhanjiang’s southeast monsoon climate and the daylight conditions to arrive at a parallel layout.  The high-rise hotel and serviced apartments stand in the southwest of the rectangular site while three residential towers and one serviced apartment are situated in the north, where they face a peerless sea view.

极佳的城市展示面 Street view

业态分布 Functional disposition

A stepped landscape lawn is set on the east end, serving as a respite for visitors to rest amidst the greenery. From there, it advances toward the sunken plaza and segues into the indoor commercial space. Between the building and the lawn is a market space, which is reserved as a hub for art and cultural activities.

六大网红打卡场所为线  Six design highlights

Approaching the commercial podium at the heart of the development, a modern digital art installation is inlaid along its east facade, protruding majestically to encourage interaction between people and architecture. In the event of a festival, it can be transformed into a lighting stage with a LED screen on the tower, bringing about an immersive, celebratory experience. 

下沉式广场的喷泉水池 Sunken plaza

利用现代数字艺术装置打造而成的“湛江之眼” Digital art installation 。当节庆来临,将与塔楼的巨型LED屏一同化身灯光舞台,带来沉浸式欢庆体验。而裙楼的超麦·核、活力商街以及屋顶的无边际泳池,全方位提供犹如巨型娱乐航母的休闲放松体验。而塔楼顶端设有云冠豪庭,可在一览城市美景及海滨风光中,进行商务会谈、宴会聚餐。  
The vivacious retail space in the podium and open-air retail street offers a full range of leisure and relaxation experience, while the sky restaurant and hotel functions at the crown of the tower are designed exclusively for banquets and business meetings.

打破室内无界限的商业空间 A boundless commercial space

室外无边际泳池 Outdoor Infinity Swimming Pool 

"We wish to obscure boundaries in the project, where the distinction between indoor and outdoor, business and art, are blurred. The vision is to create a space where all these elements could coexist to generate interesting experiences." — Yi Jun Qian, Aedas Executive Director.

主要设计人:温子先博士(Dr. Andy Wen),全球设计董事;钱逸筠,执行董事



