我们荣幸宣布如恩受邀参加由莱斯利·洛克策划的2023年威尼斯建筑双年展主题展。本届展览主题为“未来实验室”,将于2023年5月20日至11月26日在威尼斯绿城花园(Giardini)、军械库(Arsenale)和马格拉堡(Forte Marghera)向公众开放。
We are thrilled to announce that Neri&Hu is invited to Biennale Architettura 2023 curated by Lesley Lokko, in the section Dangerous Liaisons at the Arsenale. The 18th International Architecture Exhibition of La Biennale di Venezia, titled The Laboratory of the Future, will be open to the public from May 20 to November 26, 2023 at the Giardini, the Arsenale and the Forte Marghera in Venice.
策展人莱斯利·洛克就此次的主题解释道: “威尼斯双年展是一个未来实验室。在这个时间和空间里,人们可以想象、预测各学科与当下、未来的关联……我们把展览设想为一个工作坊,一个实验室。在这里,建筑师和创意实践者从他们的当代实践中汲取精华,为观众绘制一条路径,让他们自己想象未来可以承载什么。”
Lesley Lokko explains, "La Biennale di Venezia is a laboratory of the future, a time and space in which speculations about the discipline's relevance to this world - and the world to come - take place… We envisage our exhibition as a kind of workshop, a laboratory where architects and practitioners across an expanded field of creative disciplines draw out examples from their contemporary practices that chart a path for the audience to weave through, imagining for themselves what the future can hold.”
Thresholds: Space, Time and Practice Chinese edition released
摄影:许健 Photo by Sanif Xu
如恩作品集《间:空间、时间与实践》中文版由广西师范大学出版社引进再版,于近日发售。作品集精选了如恩自创立以来的三十多个设计项目。除了创始合伙人郭锡恩与胡如珊的自述外,另有李翔宁、张永和、萨拉·M.萨汀(Sarah M. Whiting)、拉斐尔·莫尼欧(Rafael Moneo)的撰文解读。较之英文版,中文版附赠了展册《之·间 如恩对话卡洛·斯卡帕》。《间:空间、时间与实践》英文版由英国泰晤士&赫德逊(Thames&Hudson)于2021年出版。
The Chinese edition of Neri&Hu's second monograph, Thresholds: Space, Time and Practice, published by Guangxi Normal University Press, is now released. The book showcases more than thirty of Neri&Hu's interdisciplinary projects comprehensively with an introduction by Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu, essays by Li Xiangning, Yung Ho Chang, Sarah M. Whiting and Rafael Moneo. The package also includes a booklet Neri&Hu: Traversing Threshold for the firm's solo exhibition at MAXXI Museum in Rome in 2021. The English edition was published by Thames&Hudson in 2021.
Zhishan Residence in Taipei completed
摄影:Scott Hsu Photo by Scott Hsu
Zhishan Residence is located in Zhishan, Taipei, where residents could enjoy a slow-living lifestyle that is removed from the bustle of more commercial areas in the city. Neri&Hu's design intent was to embody a timeless aesthetic through the use of tectonic forms and tactile materials. The elevation is simply expressed with a grid of elegantly proportioned columns and beams clad in light gray stone, with an open corner detail to bring some lightness to the expression of the structural framing.
Piaget 伯爵香港旗舰店竣工
Piaget Flagship Boutique in Hong Kong completed
摄影:Kevin Mak Photo by Kevin Mak
The Piaget storefront on Canton Road draws on the wealth of historic architecture in Kowloon, channeling an innate respect for craftsmanship integral to the watchmaker's heritage. Bespoke ceramic tiles glazed in nuanced shades of blue lend the store its architectural presence, complemented by an array of customized metals and concrete - all weaved together like an instrument. The project celebrates the storefront as a jeweled urban monument and repurposes the commercial facade with a civic potency.
Shanghai Qiantan Cultural Center near completion
Situated along the bank of the Huangpu River amongst a cluster of shiny new skyscrapers, the new Qiantan Cultural Center will house a main theater of 2500 seats, 4 reheasal rooms, and a performance space, well positioned to become an architectural landmark and cultural destination for the community. Neri&Hu's design concept for the project is "the arena", a contemporary interpretation of the classical archetype.
Ningbo Xiangshan Aranya Hotel under construction
Encompassing five distinct building complexes on the edge of land and sea, this expansive project by Neri&Hu is unified by a monolithic plinth that fosters a new public realm for travelers who seek immersive cultural experiences. The destination of this secular pilgrimage will include a range of guest rooms and villas, a thermal bath, seaside leisure and dining, and a sanctum.
Camerich Haus in Beijing under construction
In Camerich Haus project, Neri&Hu reflects critically on the traditional concept of living, aiming to instill new life into the old Beijing Jingtong Weaving Factory constructed in the 1980s. The original pitched roof was removed while the old brick walls were left standing. The West Building attached to the street has been transformed into a museum.
In this spring semester, Founding Partners Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu will continue their commitment to education at the Tongji University, the Harvard Graduate School of Design and the University of California, Berkeley. Meanwhile, they have been invited to lecture across the globe in various universities and professional forums:
Lyndon Neri, North Carolina State University,
February 20
Lyndon Neri, UC Berkeley, March 15
Rossana Hu, Thomas Jefferson University,
March 27
Lyndon Neri, University of Arkansas, March 27
Lyndon Neri, Rice University, March 29
Lyndon Neri, University of Toronto, March 30
Lyndon Neri&Rossana Hu, Technische Universität Darmstadt, May 10
由创始人:彭熙女士为代表的深圳造就设计,通过设计创造而获得了享有盛誉的殊荣,获奖作品:《现代美学与居住艺术的邂逅》在2024 NY Architectural Design Awards(纽约建筑设计奖)
Perkins&Will参赛作品《昆山杜克大学二期校园》在2024 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)众多国家/地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺建筑设计类别奖项的WINNER!
Perkins&Will参赛作品《广州美国人外籍人员子女学校》在2024 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)众多国家/地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺建筑设计类别奖项的WINNER!
PES-Architects参赛作品《芬兰奥卢法院》在2024 Design Discovery Awards(D&A)众多国家/地区的参赛作品中脱颖而出,并荣膺建筑设计类别奖项的WINNER!