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近日,Design Skill Awards 与 DesignRe-explore设计再探索
达成官方媒体合作伙伴。Design Skill Awards 为设计师提供一个展示才华的全球平台,从而获得国际认可和荣誉。
Recently, Design Skill Awards and DesignRe-explore have reached an official media partnership. The Design Skill Awards provide a global platform for designers to showcase their talents and gain international recognition and honors.

Design Skill Awards 
授权 DesignRe-explore设计再探索 作为官方媒体合作伙伴。Design Skill Awards 向来自世界各地的各种杰出设计致以崇高的敬意,从备受推崇的设计公司到崭露头角的个人创新者,Design Skill Awards 向所有人敞开大门,全面的认可卓越创意。
Design Skill Awards has authorized DesignRe-explore as an official media partner. The Design Skill Awards honors design excellence from all over the world, from respected design firms to up-and-coming individual innovators, the Design Skill Awards opens its doors to everyone, recognizing creative excellence across the board.

Design Skill Awards 
精心打造了先进的数字平台,以提供一种包容、开创性和用户友好的体验,并在整个评审过程中保持最高标准的透明度。Design Skill Awards 致力于在数字设计、平面艺术、动画、用户体验和多媒体创作等各个创意领域树立黄金标准,旨在成就无与伦比的卓越基准。
Crafted on a state-of-the-art digital platform to provide an inclusive, groundbreaking and user-friendly experience, and maintaining the highest standards of transparency throughout the judging process, the Design Skill Awards is dedicated to setting the gold standard in all creative disciplines of digital design, graphic arts, animation, user experience, and multimedia creation, and aims to benchmarks of unparalleled excellence.

Design Skill Awards 
的评审团是诚信和专业知识的灯塔,由建筑和设计领域具有影响力的先锋和远见卓识的人士组成。每位评审都是根据其深厚的知识、创新的方法以及对建筑和设计界的深远影响而成为评审,评审团由来自全球各地的知名专业人士、学者和评论家组成,保证了 Design Skill Awards 在整个评估过程中拥有广泛而深刻的视角。

The Design Skill Awards judging panel is a beacon of integrity and expertise, made up of influential pioneers and visionaries in the field of architecture and design. Each judge is judged on the basis of his or her deep knowledge, innovative approach and far-reaching influence on the architecture and design community. The panel consists of renowned professionals, academics and critics from around the globe, ensuring that the Design Skill Awards have a broad and deep perspective throughout the assessment process.

Designre-explore will be releasing details of the award in the coming days, so stay tuned.



